Our Services
Our services consist of a multitude of innovative applications. We are constantly evolving in an effort to provide the highest possible level of versatility for your needs. As new technology and applications present themselves, we will strive to remain at the forefront of the drone marketplace by providing a well-rounded suite of services tailored to your specific needs. Inquire here for questions about how we can best accomplish your specific task.
Primary services consist of:
Construction Project Documentation
On-Air, Full Power Tower Inspections
Mapping/ Photogrammetry/ Survey Support
Alternative Applications:
The bounds of drone technology are endless. We are standing on the cusp of a brave new frontier in which drones are being utilized in a multitude of ways to streamline our evolving world. Conventional tasks such as roof inspections and construction site survey are now being conducted in a safer, cheaper and more efficient manner using drones. There are countless ways this technology can be used, limited only by the imagination. At Vimana Aerial Solutions we are not limited by the shackles of bureaucratic structure. If you have a dream or desire, we will work hard to safely and efficiently provide a means for accomplishing it.
Click here to inquire.

Drone company Dayton, OH - Real Estate Photography- Drone Videos - Drone Photos - Roof Inspections - Construction Photography - Dayton, OH - Tower Inspections- Drone Mapping/ Photogrammetry/ Survey Support - Drone Training and Consulting - Drone Pilot - Cincinnati, OH - Columbus, OH - #vimanadrones #drones #aerialphotography #surveying #inspections #realestate #contruction #towerinspections #3dvirtualtours #matterport #dronemapping #videography #cinematography #droneoftheday #dronestagram #savannahga #stonestairsofdeath #savannahdrones #vimanadronesohio #ohiodrones #daytondrones #dronepilot #dronetraining #droneconsulting #vimanaaerialsolutions